
Cre-a-tiv-i-ty (noun)
the ability to transcend traditional ideas,
rules, patterns and relationships
to create meaningful new ideas;
originality or imagination.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Long Overdue

Sadly, I have neglected my blog... =(

But I must say that I have some good reasons:
1) My husband and I had been out of town - Colorado Springs - It was beautiful!

2) We had puppies!!! Well ok, we didn't, my dogs did...
Aren't they precious!?!?!

Which brings me to my craft... 
The puppies actually were born the morning before we got back from Colorado, therefore our friends David & Casey and my Mom took good care of my momma dog and the puppies while we were away. So, I made a little thank you for them being so TEA-rrific!

(This craft is inspired by EAD Designs - She's Crafty blog)

Hope you enjoyed!

1 comment:

  1. Your puppies are absolutely ADORABLE!

    Love all the little details you added to this.. thanks so much for sharing.
