
Cre-a-tiv-i-ty (noun)
the ability to transcend traditional ideas,
rules, patterns and relationships
to create meaningful new ideas;
originality or imagination.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Bad Chair Day

I love my craft room, but most of my items came from Hand-me Downs, Garage Sales, or Craigslist. So I'm in the process of sprucing up some items to make them a little more bright and cheery.

So today we are working on my bland chair:
Supplies needed: Fabric of choice, screw driver, and staple gun:
 Unscrew cushion from chair. Then lay the cushion down on the wrong side of the fabric. Simply staple gun one side, then staple an adjacent side leaving the corner for last. Repeat until all sides are stapled. Pull tight, but not too tight that you create wrinkles. Screw back onto the chair. And...
I would love to have painted it either white or blue, but my husband is a little weary of me painting "quality wood." I'm hoping I can talk him into letting me. ;)

Happy Friday!

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